5 Lessons My Dad Taught Me to Live a Happy & Fulfilling Life

Season #3

Welcome to the first official episode of The Romeo Show!

This is a weekly podcast where I have conversations with creators, entrepreneurs, industry experts, and other super inspiring people hearing their secrets on how they got to living a happy and fulfilling life along with how they achieved some of their biggest goals and dreams.

In addition to the interviews I have with people, I’ll also have some solo episodes sharing success secrets and strategies on maximizing your greatness so that you leave a legacy in your life and business. 

With these conversations and solo episodes, you can expect to hear a wide range of topics from entrepreneurship to health & wellness to mindset to productivity to how to succeed in the creator economy.

So if you’re a creator,  entrepreneur, coach, or someone who is trying to figure out what’s next in their life or someone who has some big goals and dreams they would like to achieve, then know what you’re in the right place.

In today’s episode I share the 5 lessons my Dad taught me on how to live a happy and fulfilling life.

 PS. Feel free to check out some past super inspiring episodes of my previous podcast "The Soul Greatness Podcast" on this same channel.


Watch Romeo's "Good Morning" Music Video: Watch Video

Watch Romeo's TEDx Talk: Watch Video

Follow me: @romeomarquezjr

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: @romeomarquezjr